City buses

Мunicipal buses

А18501 "Electron” bus is  an up-to-date comfortable urban transport.


Spacious passenger compartment  ensures safe and comfortable travel.

The bus has 100% low-floor. The height of entrance is 340 mm with «kneeling»  function ( the system of body inclination) of 250 mm.

The bus is accessible for insufficiently mobile groups of inhabitants and equipped with folding ramp, intended for wheelchair-bound invalids and a special place in a compartment, fitted with safety belts .

Independent suspension ensures smoothness of motion and  manoeuvrability of the bus –  it is very important in conditions of a city.

Programmed electronic table and creeping line in compartment ensures maximum informativeness  for passengers about bus traffic.

A large pane area  - with tinted glass.



The bus has  some systems of braking - EBS double-circuit pneumonic system (which includes ABS and ASR) with disk brakes, parking and traffic lights brakes.

Touch displays border computer with the help of CAN systems carried out the control of all bus systems and a full diagnostics of their operation.

All components of a compartment, including seats covering, are made of incombustible materials.


Reinforced construction of the body makes it possible to work in difficult road and climatic conditions.

The bus is equipped with a powerful and economical Cummins diesel engine ( of USA production), it meets EURO 5 environmental standard.

Transmission and running gear of leading European manufacturers` production are used.

Convenient and easy access to the equipment  from the side of  engine section and compartment are ensured.

An up-to-date engine cooling system with ventilators` electric drive ensures considerable fuel saving.