«Electronmash Plant» Ltd offers services on laser processing of sheet and pipe rolling (round and square section).
The modern laser equipment of the enterprise conforms to the requirements of the international standards – while performing work Germany «TRUMF»hi-tech laser complex with numerical program control is used.
The laser beamprovides great opportunitiesfor cuttingpractically of anymetals (including hard alloys) of any set configuration with the minimum expenses of time.
The absence of mechanical impact on the processed material, allows to minimize as the temporary deformations arising during the process of cutting, as residual ones after full cooling of details. Due to thetemperaturepropertiesof the laser there`s a hardening of theedges of a workpiece, that increases its strength.
Laser cutting is noted by a fine precision and surface smoothness of a cut.The details made by the method have smooth edges and can be used without additional machining.
The laser complex is an ideal means for sheet rolling in small-scale and pilot productions. At the small-scale production it`s more expedient and more practical to carry out laser cutting of a material, than to make expensive casting or compression molds.
For automatic laser cutting of a material it is enough to prepare the drawing file in any drawing program and to transfer file to the installation computer. The thickness of «TRUMF»laser cutting equipmentis:
- forblack metal ≤25 mm;
- forstainless steel ≤12 mm.
The companyis always readyto fulfil the order bygranteddrawings, paintingsand sketchesinany amountas soon as possible.
Filesforlaser cuttingof materialscan be presentedwith the following requirements: -Table dimensions1.5х3.0;
-Black metalthickness ≤25 mm;
-Stainless steelmetal thickness ≤12 mm;
-Drawing in electronic format DXF.
If you areinterested in our offers, details of your order you can send by email commerce@eltrans.electron.ua.